Grade 6 – Presentation from Disability Access Committee

2 05 2014

photo 1 (2)This morning, all grade 6 students were given a special presentation about people with disabilities. Maura and MJ from Burlington’s Disability Access Committee impressed to the students that they are differently abled, meaning they can do anything a non-disabled person can do but they just need to modify their methods.

Maura is blind and showed the students how she is able to use an iPhone just like they can with the use of Voiceover to read emails and other accessibility apps and functions. She also talked about the importance of her seeing-eye dog, Jolly.

photo 2 (2)MJ has Multiple Sclerosis and it prevents her from walking. However, MJ has a hand cycle, allowing her to be very mobile. In fact, MJ enjoys participating in road races.  She recently came in 1st in a 5 mile race. She also showed the students examples of new adaptive sports equipment.

photo 3 (3)

Maura and MJ also talked about the importance of abiding by laws and rules regarding handicapped and disabled access. Students took the oath,  “I will never park in a handicap space or access aisle so help me Lady Gaga.”

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One response

5 05 2014
Jen/Mike Papasodoro

Hello, before I even mentioned that I heard about this event via the email post, my 6th grade daughter mentioned it to me with enthusiasm! It was the first thing she told me about school that day. She also discussed it at the dinner table with her Dad and brother, and mentioned it to her cousin on the phone later! She was clearly very impressed by the guests! As a parent who happen to be an occupational therapist, I love that the school has coordinated such a powerful and fun enrichment program for the students. It really is good for them to see what people are capable of doing, no matter what obstacles are in their path. Thanks for offering this to them. It was clearly well received! Best, Jennifer Papasodoro

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